Road Maintenance

Repairs to the road, pavements and verges in Aberdeen Park, along with street cleaning, are the APMC’s responsibility. If deterioration of the road is due to normal wear and tear, the company arranges for the repairs and finances them from its current budget. However, making good the damage caused by building contractors, utility companies and others is financed – and sometimes carried out – by them. If any building work involves digging up verges, pavements and/or the road, residents must make sure that their contractors obtain permission in advance from APMC and we require everything to be made good to an acceptable standard on completion.  Building contractors may be required to pay a refundable deposit to cover any damage to the road. Please report any new road damage you see to the APMC office or to any member of the Board.


We resurface the roadway with new tarmac on an occasional basis as needed. Typically a resurfacing job will be for one or two road sections (i.e. the lengths between road humps and/or junctions). We have 11 road sections: six of them were resurfaced in 2020; a further 3 lengths were done in 2018; and the other two were done in 2014 and 2012. This is APMC’s largest recurring expense and we always report a loss in years when resurfacing is done; therefore we seek to build up funds in years when we do no resurfacing that we can later use in years when resurfacing is required.